Dustin Nash is assistant professor of religion studies at Muhlenberg College. He received his PhD from Cornell University in Near Eastern Studies in 2015 with his thesis "Your brothers, the Children of Israel: Ancient Near Eastern Political Discourse and the Process of Biblical Composition."

Nash has recently received tenure at Muhlenberg College and the department wishes him heart-felt congratulations.
His research straddles disciplinary boundaries through its exploration of the nexus between religion, politics, memory, and identity in the formation of the Hebrew Bible, and the repercussions of scribal engagement with these categories in the development of Judaism. Bringing his interests forward in time, Nash utilizes this same theoretical and methodological "tool box" to examine the construction of contemporary Young Earth Creationist and Evangelical Christian identities rooted in the memory of the biblical "past."
Main Photo by Duempel, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.